A Professional, objective, result oriented and hands on team player, dynamic, strategist, leader, with good analytical and adept presentation skills, focused and an accomplished achiever.
He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Accounting and Finance, 2019 (Zambia), a Fellow of Chartered Certified Accountants, 2013 (FCCA - UK) holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, 2011 (MBA - UK), Certified Public Accountant, 2009 (CPA - Malawi), Diploma in Accounting, 2001 (PAEC/ICAM - Malawi). Has completed the following professional trainings: Forensic Auditing and investigations, (Ghana), Municipal Financial Management (South Africa), Financial Planning and Control (Botswana).
Has over 20 years’ executive experience in Public, Local Government, Quasi-Governmental organizations, INGOs and Education sector: in accounting, finance, governance, change management, administration, human resources management, strategic planning, review and implementation, project design and management gained while working as Director of Finance, Internal Auditor, Financial Management Specialist/ Project Accountant, Senior Lecturer, Director of Finance and Administration. The experience has been gained while working for the following institutions: Dedza District Council, Lilongwe District Council, Lilongwe City Council, Pump Aid (Mw), Malawi College of Accountancy, Mzuzu University, Skills Development Project – NCHE and National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC).