Capacity Development

1.0 Introduction

Most of the projects and activities implemented in local authorities with support from National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) are meant to be community-demand driven within the context of decentralization. The Department of Capacity Development is, therefore, responsible for enhancing capacity at local authority and community levels to ensure improved service delivery in local authorities. This is mainly driven by the need to develop relevant and adequate skills and expertise to ensure efficient and effective utilization of resources that will ultimately result in uplifting the general welfare of people.

2.0 Purpose of the department  

The capacity development department exists “to facilitate and coordinate institutional, organizational and community capacity development programmes”

3.0 General activities  

  1. Conducting performance assessments in local authorities
  2. Trainings, coaching and study tours to fill the knowledge and skills gaps
  3. Mobilization of material resources such as equipment, vehicles, computers and maintenance of infrastructure to provide an enabling environment for services delivery at institutional and community levels
  4. Lobbying with MLGRD or Accountant General’s department for deployment and filling of positions where gaps exist in local authorities
  5. Providing technical support to councils when they implement capacity development initiatives at grassroots level

4.0 The role of the department at NLGFC

Ensuring that there is enhanced capacity at local authority and community levels for smooth implementation of government development programmes in local authorities.

5.0 Scope of works

  1. Coordinating performance assessments in LAs for identification of capacity gaps and capacity development priorities in Local  Authorities
  2. Coordinating the development of training manuals, guides and course materials such as hand outs and visual materials
  3. Coordinating the implementation of capacity development activities (such as stakeholder training, workshops and knowledge exchange tours identification of training institutions and consultants that would effectively provide training to stakeholders)
  4. Determining and mobilizing financial, human and material resources required for effective implementation of capacity development programmes
  5. Lobbying with appropriate institutions on redeployments and filling of positions which exist in local authorities
  6. Advising Local Authorities on the implementation of capacity enhancement initiatives.
  7. Supervising, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of capacity development initiatives  executed by LAs and other service providers engaged by NLGFC

6.0 Staff set up/structure

The department has two units and the staff compliment is as follows;

1X Director for Capacity Development (M2)

1X Capacity Development Specialist (M3)

1X Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist (M3)

1X Training Officer (M4)

6.0 Success or impacts

  1. Established a system of conducting local authority performance assessments
  2. Produce a number of relevant training materials e,g catchment management, foremen training manual, group dynamics
  3. Provided a number of targeted training for local authority staff in areas of catchment management, geographical information systems, Environmental and Social safeguards
  4. Lobbied for establishment of some key positions in local authorities such as Internal Auditor and Procurement Officer
  5. Developed and implemented at training programme for NLGFC as an instituted

7.0 Projects


  1. Micro-catchment delineation
  2. Developmentof various training materials for LA trainings
  3. Institutional trainings for NLGFC staff
  4. A number of trainings for LA staff such as Catchment management, GIS trainings, procurement trainings etc

Current projects

  1. Review of LA assessment tool
  2. Local Authorities’ rebranding
  3. Development of Environmental and Social safeguards instruments for new projects

Future projects

  1. Development of the Performance Based Grant system linked to local authority performance assessments
  2. Lobby with the relevant departments so that vacancy rates are reduced in councils
  3. Continue to conduct annual performance assessments using the revised tool
  4. Develop Performance Improvement plan for councils and implement it with the support of new projects.
  5. Support councils on the training of 350 Extension workers in local authorities in 10 Enhanced Public Works programme

8.0 Conclusion

In order for the department to achieve its role, it will be engaged in coordinating performance assessment in administrative, financial and project management and implementation to establish the gaps. The Performance Appraisals of the local governments is expected to be carried out by members drawn from all departments in conjunction with planning unit. The department will also be responsible for rewarding performance as a way of motivating better performance. In addition, the capacity building department will also lobby with MLGRD or Accountant General’s department for the deployment and filling of positions where gaps are noted as well as mobilize resources for the procurement of equipment such as vehicles and computers or maintenance of infrastructure.   

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National Local Government Finance committee

Red Cross House, Area 14

P/Bag 352, Lilongwe 3.

Tel:+265 (0) 775 666/Fax: +265 (0) 775 949

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