
ToRs for Consultancy Services-Livestock Slaughtering Operational Facilitation under MIERA Project

ToRs for Consultancy Services-Livestock Slaughtering Operational Facilitation under MIERA Project
ToR Livestock Slaughtering Operational Facilitation under MIERA Project.pdf
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27 February 2023



  1. Introduction

The Government of Malawi, through National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC), will utilize part of the funds granted via KfW by the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ No. 2015 67 312) under MIERA (More Income and Employment in Rural Areas through Infrastructure and Financing; Component 1: Implementation of Economic Infrastructure) to facilitate slaughtering operations at 7 small to medium slaughtering facilities.

At most markets in Malawi, inhuman, unhygienic and unsafe practices are used in slaughtering livestock. MIERA 1 project has constructed or upgraded 7 slaughterhouses at 7 different markets around the country and provided basic equipment for more organised, professional and environmentally friendly culling of livestock.


  1. Objective of the Consultancy:

The main objective of the Consultancy is to facilitate operational usage of slaughter houses at 7 MIERA component 1 beneficiary Councils in support of preparation and rollout of processes related to livestock slaughtering capacitation including provision of cattle and goats for slaughtering of livestock, hygienic practices, waste disposal management and meat handling.

  • The consultancy will offer operational facilitation services to selected council officials, market personnel and butchers on how to safely and hygienically slaughter livestock and use modern day implements and processes.
  • The Consultancy will capacitate the principal users of the slaughter-houses across the 7 markets to adopt better organised, humane, hygienic, safe and environmentally friendly processes and procedures to provide meat services to the public.
  1. Scope of Work

The consultancy is intended for a team to facilitate the slaughtering of 7 cattle and 7 goats (one each per training) at 7 markets namely Sadzi (Zomba), Goliati (Thyolo), Dyeratu (Chikwawa), Lunzu (Blantyre), Neno, Chinkhoma and Embangweni (Mzimba).

Ideally, this will be a three-quarter day training per market. The activities are to occur at the markets slaughterhouses through a basic facilitation prior to a hands-on slaughtering exercise followed by a recap of the proceedings. Ideally, this will be a three-quarter day training. The consultancy will harmonize their approach with their experience in well organised abattoir works.




Services / Product

Content / tasks



· Bring onsite 1 cow and 1 goat per market 24 hours before slaughter

· Provide security and sustenance of livestock until slaughtering time

· Livestock handling prior to slaughtering follows proper procedure


· Register all training participants

· Streamline to council administrative staff, council and market support staff on site, health technicians, private operators, etc.

· Participants are duly identified for follow-up monitoring

On-site training

· Facilitation on slaughtering processes and operations of facility

· Practical collection, transfer, culling, processing, cleaning, waste disposal, storage and meat delivery or distribution out of slaughterhouse

· Recap of slaughtering processes

· Participants are able to perform all slaughtering and meat and waste processing-related tasks according to proper hygienic, operational, and administrative procedures in upgrading facility

Product handling

· Handover meat at the end of the training to council

· Submit receipt for handover

· Meat to benefit local users


· Preparation of training report per market to Districts

· Compilation of report to Client

· Overview of activities done, challenges encountered, lessons learnt, suggestions for adapting

· Information available to correct possible deficiencies on site


· Preparation of 1 short Manual per market (3 hard copies to District and 1 soft copy to Client) based on each Slaughter House’s specific peculiarities (local language preferable)

· 1 Reference sheet: specify additional implements required by council, operators, users which they will source on their own

· Beneficiaries on site have access to guiding information after training


  1. Deliverables

The expected outcome of the operational facilitation programme is for councils and operators to sustainably operate existing equipment, slaughter livestock in a better organised, humane, hygienic, safe, clean and environmental friendly manner while providing sustainable operation and maintenance supporting services.

  • Submission of facilitation manual {3 hard copies (1-3pages) for each district and 1 soft copy for the Client};
  • Submission of simple operational manual/ guideline for slaughter-house activities and waste processing
  • Submission of short report with recommendations (1-3 pages).
  1. Qualifications of the proposed Staff

The Team Leader with Master;s Degree in Animal Science and minimum 8 years’ post qualification experience, 5 years of which must be while managing a modern day slaughter house/abattoir.

At least one member with a Diploma in Animal Health and Production with minimum 3 years’ demonstrable hands-on experience in livestock slaughtering and slaughter house/abattoir management

Relevant experience

  • Evidence of Operational Health and Safety, meat handling and animal waste management
  • Previous experience in undertaking similar assignment of livestock slaughtering processes
  • Previous experience in undertaking similar assignment of facilitating livestock

       slaughtering capacity building workshops


  1. Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is to be undertaken in three (3) months. The ideal period is three-quarter a day of training per market. Time schedule/workplan to include core training activities as follows;

  • Support and advice regarding slaughtering of livestock;
  • Facilitation of guidance on how to collect, process, dispose waste, clean equipment and surfaces, meat handling, storage and distribution;
  • Technical guidance on operating slaughter-house equipment and implementation;
  • Handover of meat processed during training to council;


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Email: enquiries@nlgfc.gov.mw | kmcd@nlgfc.gov.mw | ed@nlgfc.gov.mw