Chiradzulu, 2019: Local Authorities (LAs) implement development projects identified from their five year District Development Plans (DDPs) directly supported by either Central Government, development partners or council self-sponsorship.
Chiradzulu District Council, had over the years been challenged by office accommodation, an issue which was among those featured in the DDP for immediate redress.
It then, took a formerly known as Local Development Fund (LDF) now merged with National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) to sponsor construction of a magnificent Chiradzulu Office Complex which opened on 17th June, 2017.
According to Chiradzulu district council director of planning and development (DPD), Kelvin Harawa the office complex which is housing over 50 senior and junior staff, is a great relief to the council.
“The office complex, all in all accommodates 50 plus officers that is, 13 senior officers, 22 junior officers or registry clerks who share offices and 10 plus Data Centre staff. Data Centre and registry accommodate more staff for timely execution of work,” says Harawa.
“Comparing with the old office complex, the new one is very conducive to work. It is spacious, well-furnished and aerated.
The district was a bit incapacitated in terms of office space instead of being under one roof, as it is now, officers were scattered all over because the old structure could only accommodate up to 20 members of staff,” recalls the DPD.
One of the office complex beneficiaries, director of public works (DPW) Amos Lisimba says apart from offices, the project also included council chamber which was fully furnished. The project also provided office tables and chairs being used by council staff.
He says Nangaunozge Building Contractors implemented the project in one and half years (18 months) with funds worth over Mk200million from Central Government through LDF/NLGFC.
Among key objectives of NLGFC is to ensure adequate, equitable and objective resource distribution to and within local authorities and promote formulation of technically consistent budgets by councils on an annual basis.