Records management: NLGFC to go digital
The NLGFC has contracted the National Records and Archives to help it get digital in records management. Speaking to the NLGFC Newsletter, Regional Archivist for the organisation, Bright Joshua, confirmed the understanding saying they were asked to do needs assessment and provide a road map for the exercise which they have done.
Joshua says good records management practices, ‘are important for preserving institutional memory, helping in evidence based decision taking and is a hallmark for transparency and accountability’.
Joshua says the findings of their exercise has confirmed the need for the NLGFC to go digital, He says the major basic processes in records keeping needed instituting or improving. He also said the case of centralized or decentralised records keeping would no longer be a case as digital access eliminates such concerns.
Joshua says the advances in technology are presenting unparalleled opportunities for organisations to leverage ICT’s in many areas including records management.
National Records and Archives Services through the National Archives Act Chapter 28:01 of the laws of Malawi is mandated to provide records management advisory services to public and other institutions.
The needs assessment was conducted through face to face interviews, inspections of records management, storage and registry processes at the NLGFC.