For close to twenty five years that Christina Kamwendo has been a lead farmer in the Area of Traditional Authority Phimbi in Balaka District, she has been a victim of catastrophes, in times of drought, floods, fall army worm, and this happened one after the other.
Translating the time, energy and resources that she pumps year in and out to her farm has proven that it was the same as waiting for those willing farmers to do the work and she buy from them when they harvest.
“I do farming, but honesty, I harvest little, this job is so tiresome but not paying up as my farm is close to Mulunguzi River and many times flooding water wash away my crops,” she said.
It is because of this background that Kamwendo after been told by her friend that Government through the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) wants to pilot Enhanced Public Works Program (EPWP) and that her area will benefit from the same, checked with the extension workers of the area to hear more for she wished that her farmland be used.
“I was told one of the components of the project will be afforestation and also smart climate agriculture where deep trenches as well as swales will be constructed in fields to keep water and prevent unnecessary water to go into the field.
“I volunteered that my field be used as a demo plot so that apart from making other learn from her field, she should also reap the fruits of climate smart agriculture as she already heard from others that it is so effective,” she added.
It is because of this background that Kamwendo 43 is eagerly waiting for the commencement of EPWP so that she is equipped with the much needed skills.
A chat with Members of Zalimu Catchement Management Committee (CMC) has also revealed that the community has embraced the project and owned it.
“We are the victims and we accept that some of the challenges that we experience are as a result of our day to day way of living, we have been cutting down trees, cultivating along the river banks.
“Thanks to this project which has come at the right time, we know it will alleviate us from the numerous problems we face due to climate change,” said Leman Banda the Vice Chair for Zalimu Catchment.
He added: “We have had project coming and going, but this particular one is so unique, the level of community involvement cannot be taken for granted, the various trainings that we have gone through, we know all this is to equip us more and built sense of ownership to the project.”
“ We would like also to commend government for the introduction of the Unified Beneficiary Registry ( UBR) system of beneficiary identification, this has helped our area a lot as may times chiefs were responsible in drawing the list and errors were so immense,” said Felister Kachere a committee member.
It is believed that once EPWP is rolled out in the area, most of the gullies, the unproductive land etc. will be revamped for the use of the community.
Story Credit: Mary Makhiringa, District Information Officer, Balaka