As a way of conserving the environment, Catchment Management Committees (CMCs) with chiefs promise to enforce by-laws that were establishment by the communities after successful implementation of the climate smart Enhanced Public Works Programme.
Speaking after watching Njira documentary the committee agreed that without enforcing by-laws the environment cannot be conserved.
“If by-laws were enforced in our communities we could not have reached where we are today. This documentary has really shown us that by-laws are important in conserving the environment,” they said.
Upper Thumbwe Catchment area Chairperson Bornface Chilambe said the committee will work together with the chief to enforce by-laws which the committee will form.
Group Village Headman Pemba said few trees that are seen within the catchment area was because of the by-law which he formed and anyone found cutting trees was supposed to pay two goats.
“This made the community around to stop encroaching the area, but some still find their way to destroy. Now seen what the chiefs and communities in Balaka and Machinga have done the by-laws will be reviewed by the committee and find better ways of enforcing them, he said.
Upper Muluma CMC member Juneki Mbatata said they will engage chiefs in their area to form and enforce by-laws.
Mtayamwana CMC Chair Adam Kamwendo said in their area they agreed that people should go to the mountain once a week to fetch dry woods which the communities around have adopted and they guard each other.
Njira documentary was shown to CMCs to learn good practices of conserving land and soil with funds from National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC).
Story Credit: Linda Likomwa, District Information Officer, Chiradzulu